I don't know about you, but I have very wonderful memories of Valentine's Day through the years; however, they have nothing to do with boyfriends or even my husband (whose gifts tend to run along the lines of supporting my writing come hell or high water, even if it means taking care of Sophie alone while he has the flu, rather than say, roses and candy). My memories of Valentine's Day are so lovely because of my mother, who used to hand-craft Valentines with us the night before and wake us up to heart shaped waffles and little piles of red wrapped presents in the morning; and my father, who one year when I was away at college sent me a dozen red roses. As result, I've never felt any of the requisite loneliness associated with the holiday. It's just an excuse to throw a little party with your loved ones, whoever they be.
So here's a special thank you to Grandmothers Donno and Sallie who started Sophie off right with sweet Valentine care packages. Whether single, married, or broken-hearted, she will always know she's loved on February 14th.