Let's just skip over Christmas and how I've been away for so long, those weeks I spent in Florida, while Sophie got everyone sick back in Georgia, how her Daddy missed us and how long the plane ride was home. Forget New Years Eve in North Carolina and Valentine's Day in Hays, when I festooned our built-in bookshelves with paper hearts; those dark February Days when we didn't leave the house all day long, or worse escaped to McDonald's because there's nowhere else to go in Kansas. Pretend I've been chronicling our little lives all along, pretend you know exactly how we spent the ides of March, what we wore, ate, drank and how we filled the hours. Shall we then?
Sophie turns two next month. This is a list of things she would like for her birthday:
Big Bird
But mainly, Elmo.
Close your eyes and make a wish, baby girl!
Someone we love is growing up.....time is going by too fast...I hope all your little wishes come true. We'll find some Elmo stuff, that's for sure! Here's sending lots of hugs and kisses your way.
Grandma in N.C.
I can do a great Ernie and Bert imitation. Want me to call her and you can pretend it's them calling her? I might even be able to manage an Elmo, too.
Awww - Marley and Sophie have something in common - except in our house, it is pronounced "Melmo"! What day is her birthday?? Hope everyone is doing well!
Gwydion--I'll give you a call this weekend; we need to catch up and you can do Bert and Ernie for Soph. She'd love it. Melissa, we're doing great. Sophie's birthday is April 19. xxo
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