She said her first real word around the same time: Ball
But don't worry, you haven't missed anything: she's still toddling around and saying Ball.
That's what it sounds like.
Morning, noon, and night.
Nothing but Baaaalll. Baaallll. Baaaaaaaaall.
How I miss my beautiful little toddler!!!We miss watching you splash and play in the pool and sandbox, chasing after the balls,petting Delbert,trying to catch Dolly,and playing so sweetly with Brenna. We now have a swingset in the yard waiting for you. There will be a lot more fun times. Until then....remember how much we love you.
Grandma and Papaw
she gets gorgeouser and gorgeouser with every passing month! i hope some wonderful event brings you guys to new york again some time soon!
I looked at your sweet pictures again today and wished that I could see you. I loved hearing you say "HELLO" to me when your Daddy put the phone to your ear yesterday. Give our love to Mommy and Daddy and know that we always love, love, love you so much, little Sophie-girl.
Rick and I were smiling over the pictures of Sophie and imagining where we will be this time next year... I'll be sure to invest in containers that will hold our Lucy-girl.
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