Thursday, August 2, 2007

For Donnie

Which is the best costume for the day?

Exhibit A
Exhibit B
Exhibit C


N.B. Accessory provided by Donald Sanders, Inc.


Katherine Sanderlin said...

Oh, let's see..maybe all of them if she pees enough.

Ivy said...

C! C! Definitely C! The hat is too cute. After three outfits in one day I would just give up. Eli spends a lot of time in nothing but a diaper.

Jen K said...

So Casey refuses to vote, but I'm casting a nod for C based on her devil-may-care expression alone.

Unknown said...

I'm just waiting for a similar photo shoot with Carl in George Dean's clothes....

Elena said...

I have to go with the last picture- especially because of the jaunty angle of the hat...

Erin Hatton said...

I vote for C! She's adorable.

Donald said...

Darling, all three are very different outfits for different activities, each one lovely and well fit. The first is for when she's hosting a day party, especially if it's out on the lawn. The little 2 piece number is also a day look, more for traveling or shopping. The blue gingham is definately for her to wear at the races, matching hat and all. Well done.

Anonymous said...

I cast my vote for C...I love babies in little hats and bonnets. Lots of love from Grandma