Saturday, August 18, 2007

Ph.D. / R.I.P.

As many of you know, I've spent the last six years working towards my Ph.D., completing my coursework, passing comps, even slogging through most of my dissertation research. Well, as of next week, it's all been for naught. I have officially withdrawn from my program. The past year and a half have made this decision pretty easy: lots of exciting playwriting/screenwriting opportunities, a move half-way across the country far away from my research and adviser, not to mention baby; and yet there's a little bittersweetness as with all good-byes.

So here stands my fond farewell to being a graduate student: goodbye long hours and low pay; good-bye bitch sessions in student housing; good-bye to that yummy, musty library smell; good-bye footnotes; good-bye M.L.A. Good-bye archives, microfilm, and checking your ballpoint pens at the door. Good-bye professors one and all--the great, the good, and the good for nothings. But most of all, good-bye to college campuses in the fall. Nothing makes me feel more at home than your breezy, leafy quads, an empty notebook grasped in my eager hand and a pencil behind the ear.



Gwydion said...

Wow. Daisy. This post brought a tear to my eye... though I'm also happy for you. I know this is bittersweet, but I also know it's a good thing.



Donna Trieschmann said...

Dear Catherine,
Don't tell your father!
Love, Mommy

Unknown said...

Well, I guess every family has to have at least one slacker...

Jen K said...

Cheer, old friend. It's a wise choice you are making. Your world is only beginning to take off and already, such accomplishments.

But we miss and the fall leaves especially.

Ivy said...

Better to have closure than to linger on for years in the "I'll get to it" pile of stuff. You still have an amazing career ahead of you. I enjoyed reading the article on your plays from a few weeks ago, by the way - very impressive.

Anonymous said...

I was a little saddened when I read the post but I am confident you made the right decision. You're very talented and you'll be fine. Love, Sallie